Coordination Meeting between the KKH Directorate, the TNWK Office, and Service Providers
The coordination meeting which was held at the Way Kambas National Park Office on 24 July 2020 aims to see the progress of the program carried out by the SGP Indonesia Cycle 1 grantees, and need assessment of national parks in the protection of WKNP as AHP in Indonesia.
The meeting was attended by Mrs. Nining Ngudi Purnamaningtyas (Chair of Sub. Directorate of Implementation of International Convention, Directorate of KKH, DG KSDAE, MoEF, Republic of Indonesia), Mr. Hemawan (Head of Administration), Ms. Elisabeth Devi Kris Munrniati (Head of PLG TNWK), Mrs. Sri Ratna (Staff KKH), Dini Indirawati (Administration Officer), and Adi Nugroho (Chief Grant Management).