Field Visit – Way Kambas National Park
Meeting with Forest Farmer Groups in Braja Harjosari Village, Sumatra Rhino Sanctuary, and Elephant Training Center.
East Lampung, 20 – 21 July 2019. ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) and Penabulu (Service Providers) conducted field visits to two (2) locations, namely: Rantau Jaya Udik II Village and Braja Harjosari Village. In addition, ACB, NWT, and Penabulu visited The Sumatra Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) and Elephant Training Center.
Joint visit starts from Rantau Jaya Udik II Village which is bordered by Section II Kuala Penet Way Kambas National Park (WKNP). Mr. Subakhir as Head of the Way Kambas National Park Office opened the event and gave a speech at the Indonesia Small Grants Program. Their response was very positive towards the socialization of the Indonesian small grant program, because it could support to the Forest Farmer Group in developing traditional zones for animal feed so that the community did not collect animal feed ingredients in the Way Kambas National Park area. The village of Rantau Jaya Udik II has also been successful in producing honey, catfish and livestock.
Field trips continued to the village of Braja Harjosari which borders Section I of Way Kanan Way Kambas National Park. During the meeting, Mr. Subakhir as the Chair of Way Kambas National Park Office, was still assisting in the socialization of the Small Grant Program (SGP) Indonesia supported by ACB and KfW. The positive response from the community was very enthusiastic about the SGP Indonesia program that was informed. And currently, the Forest Farmer Groups of Braja Harjosari Village has developed an ecotourism model that has been supported by Way Kambas National Park and and the Government of East Lampung District.
July 21, 2019, field visit continued to The Sumatra Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) managed by Rhino Foundation of Indonesia (YABI). SGP Indonesia with Mr. Sumedi, saw the Bina (Sumatran Rhonoceros) that was treated intensively by The Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary (SRS) – Rhino Foundation of Indonesia of Indonesia (YABI) located in Way Kambas National Park (WKNP). The socialization of the Small Grants Program (SGP) Indonesia, can support in terms of outreach, patrol, or other activities.
Then continuing the final visit was the Elephant Training Center (PLG) managed by Way Kambas National Park. The socialization of the small Indonesian Grant Program’, can support in terms of community development, elephant feed and outreach, and also Wildlife Welfare.