Monitoring the SGP Indonesia Programme in Way Kambas National Park

Programme Monitoring Meeting with Grantees of the SGP Indonesia in Way Kambas, East Lampung, Lampung Province.
Penabulu Foundation as a Service Provider (SP) monitors SGP Indonesia’s program with two (2) grantees in cycle 1 for AHP – Way Kambas National Park. The Yayasan Pusat Informasi Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (PILI) works for the Way Kambas National Park area with the project title “Strengthening The Resort Based Management and Partnership with The Buffer Village for The Mitigation of Wildlife Hunting and Forest Fire in Way Kambas National Park” being the first part in monitoring program carried out by SP on July 21, 2020 at the PILI Foundation Project Office in Way Kambas, East Lampung, Lampung Province. And in conjunction with the monitoring of the PILI Foundation program, SP also conducted a monitoring program with the Alert Association on July 22, 2020. Both civil society organizations are the grantees of the SGP Indonesia Cycle 1. Monitoring of Sumatran Rhino Population using Camera Traps and Individual Identification Technology “in the Way Kambas National Park area.
Program monitoring for grantees of SGP Indonesia Cycle 1 was conducted by SP to see the progress of the program and challenges during the implementation of the program, especially in Quarter 1. Challenges during the implementation of the program in the 1st quarter were experienced by the PILI Foundation. in the first quarter considering government policies relating to mitigation of the 19th COVID outbreak. This condition affected the coordination with limited national parks and the budget absorption was not too large in the first quarter.
Unlike the PILI Foundation, Perkumpulan Alert has a different type of program and is located in a national park area so COVID 19 has no effect on the program being run. Monitoring species (rhinos) is carried out by installing camera traps in agreed areas. The challenge faced by the Alert Association is to wait for approval of the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) process by the Chief Technical Assistance (CTA) of GITEC as the SGP ACB Consultant under KfW as a donor in this project. In addition to the limitations of the project planning at the beginning of the submission, the Perkumpulan Alert proposed a budget reallocation so it was necessary to wait for ACB approval in the program implementation in the 2nd and subsequent quarters.
The Penabulu Foundation conducted program monitoring by Adi Nugroho (Chief Grant Manager) and Dinnie Indirawati (Administration Officer).